關於 About Miss Maggie
Miss Maggie was raised in the United States. She is a holder of Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and has been an English instructor since 2016. Before becoming an English instructor, she had worked in the aviation industry and was once an Air Traffic Controller in the United States. When she was still a teenager, she obtained a Private Pilot License and became qualified to fly single-engine aircraft. While she was in college, she also won numerous scholarships and was given the Outstanding Student Award. She eventually graduated with a 3.94 GPA with honors.
Miss Maggie 童年時移民到美國。2016 開始全職教授英語,擁有Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 證書。她亦曾與蘋果日報合作教授網上小學英語課程。在成為英語導師之前,Miss Maggie 在美國從事航空業, 並曾在機場控制塔擔任航空交通指揮員的工作。中學時期,她考獲小型飛機駕駛牌照。在大學時期,她得到多個獎學金, 獲頒「全年最傑出學生」獎狀並以優異成續 (GPA:3.94) 大學畢業。
Education 教育:
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Florida, United States,
Bachelor of Science in Aviation Safety GPA: 3.94/4.0 Honors: Summa Cum Laude
Certifications 專業資格:
Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Certificate in Teaching Business English (CTBE)
Private Pilot License 小型飛機駕駛牌照
Air Traffic Control Certificate
Occupational Safety and Health Certification
Awards 獎項:
Applied Aviation Sciences Outstanding Student Award
Boeing College of Aviation Scholarship
Comcast Leaders & Achievers Scholarship
American Society of Safety Engineers Scholarship
International Society of Air Safety Investigators Rudolf Kapustin Memorial Scholarship
Embry-Riddle Scholarship
Dean’s Honors List
National Society of Collegiate Scholars